Anthropology Explored: The Best of Smithsonian AnthroNotes, Second Edition артикул 9373b.
Anthropology Explored: The Best of Smithsonian AnthroNotes, Second Edition артикул 9373b.

Book DescriptionCutting-edge anthropology for a general audience This new edition offers a variety of clearly written and readily accessible articles from the Smithsonian's highly acclaimed, award-winning publication AnthroNotes The articles reveal the richness and breadth of anthropology, covering not only the fundamental subjects оджто but also the changing perspectives of anthropologists over the 150-year history of their field 54 b/w illustrations.  2004 г 496 стр ISBN 1588340937.

М Мусоргский Картинки с выставки Песни и пляски смерти Поезд Голицина Торжественный марш Дирижер Евгений Светланов артикул 9375b.
М Мусоргский Картинки с выставки Песни и пляски смерти Поезд Голицина Торжественный марш Дирижер Евгений Светланов артикул 9375b.

Прогулка; Гном; Прогулка Картинки с выставки Песни и пляски смерти Поезд Голицина (из оперы `Хованщина`, 4 д ), Торжественный Марш (из оперы `Взятие Карса`) Исполняет Государственный оджтф академический симфонический оркестр под управлением Евгения Светланова Содержание 1 Прогулка 2 Гном 3 Прогулка 4 Старый замок 5 Прогулка 6 Тюидьский сад (Ссора детей после игры) 7 Быдло 8 Прогулка 9 Балет невылупившихся птенцов 10 Два еврея, богатый и бедный 11 Лимож Рынок (Большая новость) 12 Катакомбы (Римская гробница) С мертвыми на мертвом языке 13 Избушка на курьих ножках (Баба-Яга) 14 Богатырские ворота (В стольком городе во Киеве) 15 Колыбельная 16 Серенада 17 Трепак 18 Полководец 19 Поезд Голицына (`Хованщина`, 4 д ) 20 Торжественный марш (Взятие Карса) Исполнитель Евгений Светланов Evgeny Svetlanov Евгений Федорович Светланов родился 6 сентября 1928 года В 1955 году дебютировал как дирижер - в Большом театре, оперой Н Римского-Корсакова "Псковитянка" В 1963-1965 годах он занимал пост главного дирижера Большого театра В 1965 году Евгений.  Формат: Audio CD Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей Альбом.

M Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition Songs and Dances of Death Golitsyn Train Solemn March Conductor Evgeni Svetlanov.
Evgeny Kissin Scriabin Medtner Stravinsky артикул 9377b.
Evgeny Kissin Scriabin Medtner Stravinsky артикул 9377b.

Произведения Скрябина, Метнера и Стравинского в исполнении пианиста Евгения Кисина К данному изданию прилагается буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском, немецком оджтш и французском языках Содержание 1 Andante (Five Preludes, Op 15) (автор музыки: Александр Скрябин) 2 Vivo (Five Preludes, Op 15) (автор музыки: Александр Скрябин) 3 Allegro Assai (Five Preludes, Op 15) (автор музыки: Александр Скрябин) 4 Andantino (Five Preludes, Op 15) (автор музыки: Александр Скрябин) 5 Andante (Five Preludes, Op 15) (автор музыки: Александр Скрябин) 6 Dramatiuco (Piano Sonata No 3 In F Sharp Minor, Op 23) (автор музыки: Александр Скрябин) 7 Allegretto (Piano Sonata No 3 In F Sharp Minor, Op 23) (автор музыки: Александр Скрябин) 8 Andante (Piano Sonata No 3 In F Sharp Minor, Op 23) (автор музыки: Александр Скрябин) 9 Presto Con Fuoco (Piano Sonata No 3 In F Sharp Minor, Op 23) (автор музыки: Александр Скрябин) 10 Sonata-Reminiscenza Op 38 No 1 (автор музыки: Николай Метнер) 11 Danse Russe (Three Movements From Petrouchka) (автор музыки: Игорь Стравинский) 12 Chez Petrouchka (Three Movements From Petrouchka) (автор музыки: Игорь Стравинский) 13 La Semaine Grasse (Three Movements From Petrouchka) (автор музыки: Игорь Стравинский) Исполнитель Евгений Кисин Evgeny Kissin.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьюторы: SONY BMG, RCA Red Seal Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2005 г Сборник.

Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition Evgeny Kissin артикул 9379b.
Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition Evgeny Kissin артикул 9379b.

Автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский Special Russian Version Содержание 1 Prelude (автор музыки: Иоганн Себастьян Бах) 2 Intermezzo: Adagio (автор музыки: Иоганн Себастьян Бах) 3 Fugue (автор музыки: Иоганн Себастьян оджть Бах) 4 The Lark (автор музыки: Михаил Глинка) 5 Promenade (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 6 The Gnome (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 7 Promenade (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 8 The Old Castle (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 9 Promenade (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 10 Tuileries (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 11 Bydlo (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 12 Promenade (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 13 Ballet Of The Unhatched Chicks (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 14 Samuel Goldenberg & Schmuyle (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 15 Promenade (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 16 The Market (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 17 Catacombae (Sepulerum romanum) (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 18 Con mortuis in lingua mortua (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 19 The Hut On Fowl`s Legs (Baba-Yaga) (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) 20 The Great Gate Of Kiev (автор музыки: Модест Мусоргский) Исполнитель Евгений Кисин Evgeny Kissin.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьютор: BMG Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2002 г Сборник.

Environmental Science : Earth as a Living Planet артикул 9381b.
Environmental Science : Earth as a Living Planet артикул 9381b.

Book DescriptionTo understand the news, you need to understand the science Just read the headlines Whether it's global warming, arctic drilling, or expanding industrial nations, the news is filled with stories about environmental issues To understand the news, you have to understand the science With Botkin and Keller's Fifth Edition of Environmental оджуб Science, you'll have the opportunity to develop a firm foundation of scientific knowledge, so you can think through environmental issues and make your own decisions regarding the environment There's much more to explore online! You can use your knowledge of environmental science to explore real and pressing environmental issues online with the Student Companion Site at www wiley com/college/botkin The Student Companion Site features: Critical Thinking Issues: These guided questions and web-based research questions give you the chance to critically appraise such issues as preserving the coral reef or critiquing the Gaia hypothesis Regional Essays and Interactive Map of the World : These essays allow you to explore interesting issues and examples of key environmental topics Virtual Field Trip Activities : These activities identify and describe key issues in environmental science and lead you to relevant websites and local facilities, such as wastewater treatment facilities or power plants, so you can explore proposed solutions to environmental problems Environmental Debates: Present two sides of a contentious issue affecting the environment Links to key websites and questions help you gain a sophisticated appreciation of important issues Online Quiz Questions: These quizzes are invaluable in preparing for tests and exams They also allow you to email your answers and responses directly to your professor.  2004 г 752 стр ISBN 047148816X.

Geoenvironmental Engineering: Site Remediation, Waste Containment, and Emerging Waste Management Techonolgies артикул 9383b.
Geoenvironmental Engineering: Site Remediation, Waste Containment, and Emerging Waste Management Techonolgies артикул 9383b.

Book DescriptionGeoenvironmental Engineering covers the application of basic geological and hydrological science, including soil and rock mechanics and groundwater hydrology, to any number of different environmental problems * Includes end-of-chaptersummaries, design examples and worked-out numerical problems, and problem questions оджуп * Offers thorough coverage of the role of geotechnical engineering in a wide variety of environmental issues * Addresses such issues as remediation of in-situ hazardous waste, the monitoring and control of groundwater pollution, and the creation and management of landfills and other above-ground and in-situ waste containment systems.  2004 г 992 стр ISBN 0471215996.

П Чайковский Пьесы для фортепиано Святослав Рихтер артикул 9385b.
П Чайковский Пьесы для фортепиано Святослав Рихтер артикул 9385b.

Ноктюрн фа мажор, соч 10 №1; Вальс-скерцо ля мажор, соч 7; Юмореска соль мажор, соч 10 №2 Содержание 1 Ноктюрн фа мажор, соч 10 №1 2 Вальс-скерцо ля мажор, соч 7 3 Юмореска соль мажор, соч 10 №2 оджух 4 Capriccioso си-бемоль мажор, соч 19 №5 5 Грустная песенка, соч 40 №8 6 Вальс ля-бемоль мажор, соч 40 №8 7 Романс фа минор, соч 5 8 Романс фа мажор, соч 51 №5 9 Немного Шопена, соч 72 №15 10 Резвушка, соч 72 №12 11 Вечерние грезы, соч 19 №1 12 Menuetto-scherzoso, соч 51 №3 13 Салонный вальс, соч 51 №1 14 Размышление, соч 72 №5 Исполнитель Святослав Рихтер Sviatoslav Richter.  Формат: Audio CD Дистрибьютор: Gramzapis Company Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей Сборник.

P Tchaikovsky Piano Pieces Svyatoslav Richter.
Karl Richter Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas артикул 9387b.
Karl Richter Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas артикул 9387b.

Disc 1; Disc 2; Disc 3 Содержание CD1: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 1) 1 Disc 1 2 Disc 2 CD2: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 2) 1 Disc 3 CD3: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 3) 1 Disc 4 CD4: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 4) 1 Disc 5 CD5: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 5) 1 Disc 6 CD6: Johann Sebastian Bach: оджуы Cantatas (Disc 6) 1 Disc 7 CD7: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 7) 1 Disc 8 CD8: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 8) 1 Disc 9 CD9: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 9) 1 Disc 10 CD10: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 10) CD11: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 11) 1 Disc 11 CD12: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 12) 1 Disc 12 CD13: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 13) 1 Disc 13 CD14: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 14) 1 Disc 14 CD15: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 15) 1 Disc 15 CD16: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 16) 1 Disc 16 CD17: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 17) 1 Disc 17 CD18: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 18) 1 Disc 18 CD19: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 19) 1 Disc 19 CD20: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 20) 1 Disc 20 CD21: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 21) 1 Disc 21 CD22: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 22) 1 Disc 22 CD23: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 23) 1 Disc 23 CD24: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 24) 1 Disc 24 CD25: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 25) 1 Disc 25 CD26: Johann Sebastian Bach: Cantatas (Disc 26) 1 Disc 26 Исполнители Munchener Bach-Orchester Иоганн Себастьян Бах Johann Sebastian Bach Детские годы провел в Эйзенахе, в 1695—1702 учился в Ордруфе и Люнебурге В 17-летнем возрасте играл на органе, клавире, скрипке, альте, пел в хоре, был помощником кантора В 1703—07 органист Нойкирхе в Арнштадте, в 1707—08 органист Блазиускирхе в Карл Рихтер Karl Richter.  Формат: 26 Audio CD Дистрибьютор: Deutsche Grammophon GmbH Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей Не указан.

Soil Physics артикул 9389b.
Soil Physics артикул 9389b.

Book DescriptionThe completely revised and updated edition of the classic guide to soil physics The revised edition of an environmental soil science classic, Soil Physics, Sixth Edition presents updated and expanded material on the latest developments in the industry, providing the best preparation for students and a state-of-the-art reference оджфб for professionals Through a systemic use of physical principles, Soil Physics, Sixth Edition demonstrates how to simplify the general theory used in transport processes for specific applications With broad coverage of the role soil plays in the environment, this Sixth Edition offers more than seventy worked problems illustrating specific lessons in the book, and features: * New material on soil's influence on the health of an ecosystem * Expanded coverage of modern in-site and noninvasive field-scale subsurface measurement techniques * Discussions on the latest advances in regional and watershed hydrology * Up-to-date information on the use of algorithms and computers in the study and modeling of soil processes * New coverage of preferential flow Soil Physics, Sixth Edition is an essential volume for students and professionals in soil science, natural resource management, forestry, agriculture, hydrology, and civil and environmental engineering.  2004 г 384 стр ISBN 047105965X.

Boiling Point артикул 9391b.
Boiling Point артикул 9391b.

Book DescriptionExposes how big business, the Bush administration, and environmentalists alike are preventing us from solving the problem of global warming-and offers a prescription for saving the planet In Boiling Point, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ross Gelbspan argues that, unchecked, climate change will swamp every other issue оджфз facing us today Indeed, what began as an initial response of many institutions-denial and delay-has now grown into a crime against humanity The fossil fuel industry is directing the Bush administration's energy and climate policies-payback for helping Bush get elected But they're not the only ones to blame: the media and environmental activists are unwittingly worsening the crisis In his new introduction, Gelbspan reveals that the outlook isn't getting better The climate continues to change with increasing acceleration: hurricanes devastated Florida; rainfall patterns left two million people starving in Kenya; 2004 was the fourth hottest year on record At the same time, the coal industry was planning to sabotage an effort in the Senate to begin to regulate carbon dioxide Officials of Switzerland, France, and Canada said last year that, when the Kyoto Protocol takes effect, they intend to take the United States to court under the World Trade Organization, reasoning that the U S 's refusal to lower their carbon emissions amounts to an illegal subsidy-a "carbon subsidy"-on its exports With the reelection of George W Bush and a Republican-controlled congress, Boiling Point is more imperative than ever Both a passionate call-to-arms and a thoughtful roadmap for change, Gelbspan reveals what's at stake for our fragile planet.  2005 г 254 стр ISBN 0465027628.

Metals, Fertility, and Reproductive Toxicity артикул 9393b.
Metals, Fertility, and Reproductive Toxicity артикул 9393b.

Book DescriptionFor years environmental endocrine disruptors have been at the heart of discussions about chemicals in the modern environment and their effects on fertility The focus has been on organic compounds and the role of metals has been largelyoverlooked - until now This timely and forward-thinking volume collects our current understanding оджфй on the role of common metals and their influence on fertility rates in humans and animal populations Taking an organ-system-based approach, Metals, Fertility, and Reproductive Toxicity looks at how the ovary, testes, uterine system, and neuroendocrine system, among others, respond to metal exposure and provides a review of current knowledge in the field.  2005 г 280 стр ISBN 041570040X.

The Biomarker Guide, Volume 1: Biomarkers and Isotopes in the Environment and Human History артикул 9395b.
The Biomarker Guide, Volume 1: Biomarkers and Isotopes in the Environment and Human History артикул 9395b.

Book DescriptionBiomarkers are compounds found in crude oil with structures inherited from once-living organisms They persist in oil spills, refinery products and archaeological artifacts, and can be used to identify the origin, geological age and environmental conditions prevalent during their formation and alteration These two volumes оджфу will be an invaluable resource for geologists, petroleum geochemists, biogeochemists, environmental and forensic scientists, natural product chemists and archaeologists The first of two volumes of The Biomarker Guide discusses the origins of biomarkers and introduces basic chemical principles relevant to their study It goes on to discuss analytical techniques, and the applications of biomarkers in environmental and archaeological problems.  2004 г 490 стр ISBN 0521781582.

Ecohydrology : Darwinian Expression of Vegetation Form and Function артикул 9397b.
Ecohydrology : Darwinian Expression of Vegetation Form and Function артикул 9397b.

Book DescriptionThis volume is devoted to the derivation and application of simplified bioclimatic boundary conditions at vegetated land surfaces using natural selection of vegetation characteristics driven by productivity maximization It investigates the internal control of forest growth by the vertical fluxes of light, CO2, water vapor, оджфц and heat within the canopy, as well as the external control offered by the balances of thermal energy and water Through these means it seeks to determine how the physical characteristics and productivity of forest communities are related to the climates and soils in which they are found Ecohydrology bridges the fields of hydrology and ecology and proposes new unifying principles derived from the concept of natural selection It also has potential application in determining the response of vegetation to slow variations in climate and will provide fascinating reading for graduate-level students and research scientists working in ecohydrology, hydroclimatology, forest ecology, and surface water hydrology.  2005 г 483 стр ISBN 0521619912.

A Primer of Conservation Genetics артикул 9399b.
A Primer of Conservation Genetics артикул 9399b.

Book DescriptionIntended for those with a limited background in genetic studies, this concise, entry-level text in conservation genetics is presented in a user-friendly format, with main points clearly highlighted Solved problems are provided throughoutto help illustrate key equations, although a basic knowledge of Mendelian genetics оджфы and simple statistics is assumed A glossary and suggestions for further reading provide additional support for the reader Numerous pen-and-ink portraits of endangered species bring the material to life Also available: Introduction to Conservation Genetics " balance[s] student need for clarity and brevity with the requirements of conservation professionals for detailed applications " Choice 0-521-63014-2 Hardback$130 00 C 0-521-63985-9 Paperback $50 00 D.  2004 г 234 стр ISBN 0521538270.

The Clean Water Act and the Constitution: артикул 9401b.
The Clean Water Act and the Constitution: артикул 9401b.

Book DescriptionThe Clean Water Act and the Constitution: is a comprehensive, clearly organized, and insightful exploration of the Clean Water Acts intended and actual experience with federalism concerns After introducing the subject and describing its pivotal role, Professor Craig examines the Acts "cooperative federalism;" interstate оджхв water quality and the federal common law; environmental regulation and the Tenth Amendment; federal supremacy and "overfiling;" and federal sovereign immunity and federal facilities The book includes an in-depth analysis of the Commerce Clause and issues regarding its applicability to the regulation of navigable and non-navigable waters " not only the first major work that methodically examines the interface between the CWA and the Constitution, but [it] will also surely set the standard in the field The bonus comes in the form of a thorough and balanced analysis of the case for a constitutional amendment that would correct the structuraldeficiencies she identifies in the main chapters of the text, the value of which extends well beyond the CWA to all of environmental law " -- J B Ruhl, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Matthews & Hawkins Professor of Property, Florida State University College of Law.  2004 г 270 стр ISBN 1585760803.

Cognitive Ecology of Pollination : Animal Behaviour and Floral Evolution артикул 9403b.
Cognitive Ecology of Pollination : Animal Behaviour and Floral Evolution артикул 9403b.

Book DescriptionImportant breakthroughs have recently been made in our understanding of the cognitive and sensory abilities of pollinators, such as how pollinators perceive, memorize, and react to floral signals and rewards; how they work flowers, move among inflorescences, and transport pollen These new findings have obvious implications оджхе for the evolution of floral display and diversity, but most existing publications are scattered across a wide range of journals in very different research traditions This book brings together outstanding scholars from many different fields of pollination biology, integrating the work of neuroethologists and evolutionary ecologists to present a multidisciplinary approach Download DescriptionImportant breakthroughs haverecently been made in our understanding of the cognitive and sensory abilities of pollinators: how pollinators perceive, memorise and react to floral signals and rewards; how they work flowers, move among inflorescences and transport pollen These new findings have obvious implications for the evolution of floral display and diversity, but most existing publications are scattered across a wide range of journals in very different research traditions This book brings together for the first time outstanding scholars from many different fields of pollination biology, integrating the work of neuroethologists and evolutionary ecologists to present a multi-disciplinary approach Aimed at graduates and researchers of behavioural and pollination ecology, plant evolutionary biology and neuroethology, it will also be a useful source of information for anyone interested in a modern view of cognitive and sensory ecology, pollination and floral evolution.  2005 г 358 стр ISBN 0521018404.

Yo-Yo Ma Vivaldi's Cello артикул 9405b.
Yo-Yo Ma Vivaldi's Cello артикул 9405b.

Автор музыки: Антонио Вивальди Представляем Вашему вниманию произведения итальянского композитора Антонио Вивальди в исполнении одного из самых известных классических оджхр музыкантов мира - виолончелиста Йо-Йо Ма К данному изданию прилагается буклет с фотографиями и дополнительной информацией на английском языке Содержание 1 Concerto In G Minor For Two Cellos, Strings And Basso Continuo, Rv 531: Allegro 2 Concerto In G Minor For Two Cellos, Strings And Basso Continuo, Rv 531: Largo 3 Concerto In G Minor For Two Cellos, Strings And Basso Continuo, Rv 531: Allegro 4 Concerto For Violin, Strings And Basso Continuo "Winter" Op 8, No 4, Rv 297: Largo 5 Concerto In B-Flat Major For Cello, Strings And Basso Continuo, Rv 423: Allegro 6 Concerto In B-Flat Major For Cello, Strings And Basso Continuo, Rv 423: Largo 7 Concerto In B-Flat Major For Cello, Strings And Basso Continuo, Rv 423: Allegro 8 Cosi Sugl' Occhi Miei (From "La Fida Ninfa", Rv 714) 9 Concerto For Viola D'amore, Lute And Orchestra, Rv 540: Allegro 10 Concerto For Viola D'amore, Lute And Orchestra, Rv 540: Largo 11 Concerto For Viola D'amore, Lute And Orchestra, Rv 540: Allegro 12 La Gloria Del Mio Sangue (From "Giustino", Rv 717) 13 Concerto In C Minor For Cello, Strings And Basso Continuo, Rv 401: Allegro Non Molto 14 Concerto In C Minor For Cello, Strings And Basso Continuo, Rv 401: Adagio 15 Concerto In C Minor For Cello, Strings And Basso Continuo, Rv 401: Allegro Ma Non Molto 16 Noli, O Cara, Te Adorantis (From "Juditha Triumphans", Rv 644) 17 Laudamus Te (From "Gloria", Rv 589) 18 Quanto Magis Generosa (From "Judifha Triumphans", Rv 644) 19 Dite Oihme (From "La Fida Ninfa", Rv 714) Исполнители Йо-Йо Ма Yo-Yo Ma Тон Купман Ton Koopman The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra & Choir Амстердамский симфонический оркестр и хор.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьютор: Sony Classical Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2004 г Сборник: Импортное издание.

The Best of Edward Abbey артикул 9407b.
The Best of Edward Abbey артикул 9407b.

Book DescriptionIn 1984, the late great Edward Abbey compiled this reader, endeavoring, as he says in his preface, "to present what I think is both the best and most representative of my writing--so far " Two decades later, it remains the only major collection of his work chosen by Abbey himself, a rich feast of fiction and prose by the singular оджхщ American writer whom Larry McMurtry called "the Thoreau of the American West" and whom Alice Hoffman hailed as "the voice of all that is ornery and honorable " Devoted Abbey fans along with readers just discovering his work will find a mother lode of treasures here: generous chunks of his best novels, including The Brave Cowboy, Black Sun, and his classic The Monkey Wrench Gang; and more than a score of his evocative, passionate, trenchant essays--a genre in which he produced acknowledged masterpieces such as Desert Solitaire There is even an excerpt from a novel he was working on in 1984, eventually published as The Fool's Progress Scattered throughout are the author's own petroglyph-style sketches Abbey went on publishing new work until his untimely death in 1989 at age sixty, so this new edition includes a selection of later Abbey: a chapter from Hayduke Lives!, the hilarious sequel to The Monkey Wrench Gang; excerpts from his revealing journals; a little-known account of a trip to the Sea of Cortez; and examples of his poetry A new foreword by Doug Peacock --Abbey's close friend and the model for the flamboyant activist Hayduke--offers a fond appreciation of this largerthan- life figure in American letters.  2005 г 440 стр ISBN 1578051215.

Yo-Yo Ma Bach Cello Suites Nos 2, 3 & 4 артикул 9409b.
Yo-Yo Ma Bach Cello Suites Nos 2, 3 & 4 артикул 9409b.

Автор музыки: Иоганн Себастьян Бах Диск упакован в Jewel Case и вложен в картонную коробку Издание содержит небольшой буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском, немецком оджцб и французском языках Содержание 1 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 2 In D Minor, BWV1008 - Prelude 2 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 2 In D Minor, BWV1008 - Allemande 3 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 2 In D Minor, BWV1008 - Courante 4 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 2 In D Minor, BWV1008 - Sarabande 5 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 2 In D Minor, BWV1008 - Menuett 6 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 2 In D Minor, BWV1008 - Cigue 7 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 3 In C Major, BWV 1009 - Prelude 8 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 3 In C Major, BWV 1009 - Allemande 9 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 3 In C Major, BWV 1009 - Courante 10 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 3 In C Major, BWV 1009 - Sarabande 11 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 3 In C Major, BWV 1009 - Bourree 12 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 3 In C Major, BWV 1009 - Gigue 13 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 4 In E-Flat Major, BWV 1010 - Prelude 14 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 4 In E-Flat Major, BWV 1010 - Allemande 15 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 4 In E-Flat Major, BWV 1010 - Courante 16 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 4 In E-Flat Major, BWV 1010 - Sarabande 17 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 4 In E-Flat Major, BWV 1010 - Bourree 18 Suites For Unaccompanied Cello: Suite No 4 In E-Flat Major, BWV 1010 - Gigue Исполнитель Йо-Йо Ма Yo-Yo Ma.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьюторы: SONY BMG, Sony Classical Европейский Союз Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2005 г Сборник: Импортное издание.

Cities and Climate Change; Urban Sustainability and Global Environmental Governance (Routledge Studies in Physical Geography and Environment) артикул 9411b.
Cities and Climate Change; Urban Sustainability and Global Environmental Governance (Routledge Studies in Physical Geography and Environment) артикул 9411b.

Book Description Climate change is one of the most challenging issues of our time As key sites in the production and management of emissions of greenhouse gases, cities will be crucial for the implementation of international agreements and national policies on climate change This book provides a critical analysis of the role of cities in addressing оджцг climate change and the prospects for urban sustainability In the post-Rio era, international organizations and transnational networks have promoted the need for local action on global environmental issues Part I considers the implications of these developments for understanding global environmental governance and urban sustainability It outlines international and national responses to climate change, and documents the evidence to date on local responses to climate change, examining in detail the international Cities for Climate Protection programme Part II presents a series of case-studies drawn from this transnational network in the UK, USA and Australia Each case-study examines the development and implementation of local climate change policy, focusing on the issues of energy conservation, planning and transport Part III compares the experience of the case-study cities in addressing climatechange, and assesses the implications of these findings for urban sustainability and global environmental governance Cities and Climate Change is the first in-depth analysis of the role of cities in addressing climate change The book argues that key challenges concerning the resources and powers of local government, as well as conflicts between local goals for economic development and climate change mitigation, have restricted the level of local action on climate change These findings have significant implications for the prospects of mitigating climate change and achieving urban sustainability This book provides a valuable interdisciplinary analysis of these issues, and will appeal to students and researchers interested in sustainability at local and globalscales.  2005 г 237 стр ISBN 0415359163.

Leonard Bernstein A Total Embrace The Composer (3 CD) артикул 9413b.
Leonard Bernstein A Total Embrace The Composer (3 CD) артикул 9413b.

Представляем Вашему вниманию прекрасное издание легендарного гения, крупнейшего дирижера современности Леонарда Бернстайна "A Total Embrace The Composer" Леонард Бернстайн, оджцж несомненно, является крупнейшим представителем американской музыки XX столетия В США Леонард Бернстайн - "композитор-классик номер один XX века" Среди самых значительных сочинений Бернстайна - "Месса" (с использованием элементов рок-н-ролла и массовых песен), три симфонии, оперы и балеты, оперетта "Кандид" и др В России он широко известен как автор мюзиклов, и, прежде всего, - "Вестсайдской истории" Издание содержит буклет с фотографиями и дополнительной информацией на английском языке Содержание CD1: Leonard Bernstein Concert Works 1 Psalm 108 (verse 2) & Psalm 100 (complete) 2 Psalm 23 (complete) & Psalm 2 (verses 1-4) 3 Psalm 131 (complete) & Psalm 133 (verse 1) 4 Lameirtation 5 Adagio 6 The Masque: Extremely Fast 7 The Epilogue: Adagio; Andante; Con Moto 8 A Big Indian And A Little Indian Con Brio 9 Civet A Toute Vitesse (Rabbit At Top Speed) 10 Prelude For The Brass 11 Fugue For The Saxes 12 Riffs For Everyone 13 Invocation Kaddish 1 14 Love Theme CD2: Leonard Bernstein Theater Works 1 Opening: New York, New Vork 2 Lonely Town / Dance: Lonely Town 3 Dance: Times Square 4 Some Oilier Time 5 Dance: The Real Coney Island 6 Enter Three Sailors 7 Pas De Deux 8 Finale 9 The Pirate Song 10 Ohio 11 A Little Bit In Love (Never Felt This Way Befor) 12 A Quiet Girl 13 Conga! 14 Wrong Note Rag 15 Overture 16 Best Of All Possible Words 17 Mazurka 18 Glitter And Be Gay 19 Make Our Garden Grow CD3: Leonard Bernstein Theater Works 1 Prologue 2 The Dance At The Gym 3 Maria 4 Tonight 5 America 6 Cool 7 Somewhere (Ballet) 8 The Community 9 Part II: Allegretto 10 Scene III/IIIa: "I Was Standing In A Garden / Then Desire Took Hold Of Me" 11 Devotions Before Mass - Hymn And Psalm: "A Simple Song" 12 Meditation No 1 13 Gloria 14 Sanctus: "Holy! Holy! Holy!" 15 Pax: Communion - Final Hymn (exept) Исполнитель Леонард Бернстайн (исполнитель, автор музыки) Leonard Bernstein Леонард Бернстайн родился 25 августа 1918 года в Лоренсе (штат Массачусетс, США), в семье евреев-переселенцев из России С десяти лет он учился играть на фортепиано, пел в хоре, играл в оркестре, позже сам давал уроки музыки, организовал любительскую.  Формат: 3 Audio CD (DigiPack) Дистрибьютор: SONY BMG Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2003 г Авторский сборник.

The Island Chumash : Behavioral Ecology of a Maritime Society артикул 9415b.
The Island Chumash : Behavioral Ecology of a Maritime Society артикул 9415b.

Book DescriptionColonized as early as 13,500 years ago, the Northern Channel Islands of California offer some of the earliest evidence of human habitation along the west coast of North America The Chumash people who lived on these islands are consideredto be among the most socially and politically complex hunter-gatherers in the world This book оджцч provides a powerful and innovative synthesis of the cultural and environmental history of the chain of islands Douglas J Kennett shows that the trends in cultural elaboration were, in part, set into motion by a series of dramatic environmental events that were the catalyst for the unprecedented social and political complexity observed historically.  2005 г 304 стр ISBN 0520243021.

Dvorak Symphony No 9 New York Philharmonic Bernstein артикул 9417b.
Dvorak Symphony No 9 New York Philharmonic Bernstein артикул 9417b.

Автор музыки: Антонин Дворжак На диске представлена симфония Дворжака, благодаря которой он прославился на весь мир Содержание 1 Adagio - Allegro Molto (Symphony No 9 In E Minor, Op 95 "From The New World") 2 оджцэ Largo (Symphony No 9 In E Minor, Op 95 "From The New World") 3 Scherzo Molto Vivace (Symphony No 9 In E Minor, Op 95 "From The New World") 4 Altegro Con Fuoco (Symphony No 9 In E Minor, Op 95 "From The New World") Исполнители New York Philharmonic Orchestra Нью-Йоркский филармонический оркестр Леонард Бернстайн Leonard Bernstein Леонард Бернстайн родился 25 августа 1918 года в Лоренсе (штат Массачусетс, США), в семье евреев-переселенцев из России С десяти лет он учился играть на фортепиано, пел в хоре, играл в оркестре, позже сам давал уроки музыки, организовал любительскую.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьютор: SONY BMG Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 1999 г Альбом.

Radio Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing of the Environment артикул 9419b.
Radio Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing of the Environment артикул 9419b.

Book DescriptionThis book describes the processes of radio propagation and analyzes the equations that enable estimation of media It explores propagation processes and related phenomena including absorption, refraction, reflection, and scattering Italso analyzes how knowledge of radiowave properties allows accurate estimations of оджчв media via inverse problems The text examines the empirical methods that interpret remote sensing data, and how they are applied in the creation of useful approximationmodels The authors also describe the operational principles of microwave devices used in remote sensing, and provide insight into the stabilizing a priori information that greatly increases the accuracy of remote sensing solutions.  2004 г 384 стр ISBN 0415317355.

Mahler Le Chant De La Terre Ludwig Kollo Israel Philharmonic Bernstein артикул 9421b.
Mahler Le Chant De La Terre Ludwig Kollo Israel Philharmonic Bernstein артикул 9421b.

Автор музыки: Густав Малер Все исполнители Представляем вашему вниманию издание из серии "Bernstein Century" На диске представлена симфония Густава Малера "Le Chant De La Terre" в оджчз исполнении Кристы Людвиг (меццо-сопрано), Рене Колло (тенор), Израильского симфонического оркестра и знаменитого дирижера Леонарда Бернстайна Издание содержит буклет с дополнительной информацией Содержание 1 Chanson A Boire De La Douleur De La Terre Allegro Pesante 2 Le Solitaire En Automne Etwas Schleichend Ermudet 3 De La Jeunesse Behaglich Heiter 4 De La Beaute Comodo Dolcissimo 5 L'homme Ivre Au Printemps Allegro 6 L'adieu Schwer Исполнители (показать всех исполнителей) Криста Людвиг Christa Ludwig Рене Колло Rene Kollo The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Israel Philharmonia Orchestra, Израильский филармонический оркестр.  Серия: Bernstein Century.

Science, Philosophy and Physical Geography артикул 9423b.
Science, Philosophy and Physical Geography артикул 9423b.

Book Description This accessible and engaging text explores the relationship between philosophy, science and physical geography It addresses an imbalance that exists in opinion, teaching and to a lesser extent research, between a philosophically enriched human geography and a perceived philosophically ignorant physical geography Science, оджчп Philosophy and Physical Geography, challenges the myth that there is a single self-evident scientific method, that can and is applied in a straightforward manner by physical geographers It demonstrates the variety of alternative philosophical perspectives Furthermore it emphasizes the difference that the real world geographical context and the geographer make to the study of environmental phenomenon This includes a consideration of the dynamic relationship between human and physical geography Finally, it demonstrates the relevance of philosophy for both an understanding of published material and for the design and implementation of studies in physical geography Key themes such as global warming, species and evolution and fluvial geomorphology are used to provide illustrations of key concepts in each chapter Further reading is provided at the end of each chapter.  2004 г 336 стр ISBN 0415279542.

Plan B 2 0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble артикул 9425b.
Plan B 2 0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble артикул 9425b.

Book DescriptionIn this new edition, Lester Brown outlines a survival strategy for our early twenty-first civilization The world faces numerous environmental trends of disruption and decline such as rising temperatures, falling water tables, shrinking forests, melting glaciers, collapsing fisheries, and rising sea levels In Plan B, Lester оджчш R Brown notes that in ignoring nature's deadlines for dealing with these environmental issues we risk the disruption of economic progress In addition to these environmental trends, the world faces the peaking of oil, the addition of 70 million people per year, a widening global economic divide, and the spread of international terrorism The global scale and growing complexity of issues facing our fast-forward world have no precedent.  2006 г 352 стр ISBN 0393328317.

Beethoven Symphonie No 9 Leonard Bernstein артикул 9427b.
Beethoven Symphonie No 9 Leonard Bernstein артикул 9427b.

Содержание 1 Symphonie No 9 In D Minor, Op 125: 1 Allegro Ma Non Troppo, Un Poco Maestoso 2 Symphonie No 9 In D Minor, Op 125: 2 Molto Vivace 3 Symphonie No 9 In D Minor, Op 125: 3 Adagio Molto E Cantabile 4 Symphonie No 9 In D Minor, Op 125: 4 Presto 5 Symphonie No 9 In D Minor, Op 125: Presto - O Freunde, Nicht Diese Tone - Allegro Assai Исполнители оджчь Wiener Philharmoniker Леонард Бернстайн Leonard Bernstein Леонард Бернстайн родился 25 августа 1918 года в Лоренсе (штат Массачусетс, США), в семье евреев-переселенцев из России С десяти лет он учился играть на фортепиано, пел в хоре, играл в оркестре, позже сам давал уроки музыки, организовал любительскую.  Формат: Audio CD Дистрибьютор: Deutsche Grammophon GmbH Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2006 г Авторский сборник: Импортное издание.

Nondetects and Data Analysis : Statistics for Censored Environmental Data (Statistics in Practice) артикул 9374b.
Nondetects and Data Analysis : Statistics for Censored Environmental Data (Statistics in Practice) артикул 9374b.

Book DescriptionSTATISTICS IN PRACTICE Statistical methods for interpreting and analyzing censored environmental data Nondetects And Data Analysis: Statistics for Censored Environmental Data provides solutions for environmental scientists and professionals who need to interpret and analyze data that fall below the laboratory detection оджту limit Adapting survival analysis methods that have been successfully used in medical and industrial research, the author demonstrates, for the first time, their practical applications for studies of trace chemicals in air, water, soils, and biota Readers quickly become proficient in these methods through the use of real-world examples that are solved using MINITAB ; Release 14, a popular statistical software package, as well as other commonly used software packages Everything needed to master these innovative statistical methods is provided, including: Accompanying Web site featuring answers to book exercises and datasets, as well as MINITAB ; macros to perform methods, which are not available in the commercial version Methods for data with multiple detection limits Solutions for research studies in which all data are below detection limits Techniques for constructing confidence, prediction, and tolerance intervals for data with nond-tects Methods for data with multiple detection limits Chapters are organized by objective, such as computing intervals, comparing groups, and correlations, which enables readers to more easily apply the text to their particular research and goals Extensive references to the literature for more in-depth research are provided; however, the text itself avoids complex math and calculus making it accessible to anyone in the environmental sciences Environmental scientists and professionals will find the hands-on guidance and practical examples invaluable.  2004 г 268 стр ISBN 0471671738.

Bioremediation and Natural Attenuation : Process Fundamentals and Mathematical Models (Environmental Science and Technology: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts and Monographs) артикул 9376b.
Bioremediation and Natural Attenuation : Process Fundamentals and Mathematical Models (Environmental Science and Technology: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts and Monographs) артикул 9376b.

Book DescriptionA groundbreaking text and professional resource on natural attenuation technology Natural attenuation is rapidly becoming a widely used approach to manage groundwater and soil contamination by hazardous substances in petroleum-product releases and leachate from hazardous waste sites and landfills This book provides, оджтч under one cover, the current methodologies needed by groundwater scientists and engineers in their efforts to evaluate subsurface contamination problems, to estimate risk to human health and ecosystems through mathematical models, and to design and formulate appropriate remediation strategies Incorporating the authors' extensive backgrounds as educators, researchers, and consultants in environmental biotechnology and hydrogeology, the text emphasizes new concepts and recent advances in the science, including: Quantification of the role of microbes in natural attenuation Biodegradation and chemical transformation principles Immobilization and phase change Biotransformation mechanisms Groundwater flow and contaminant transport Analytical models for contaminant transport and reaction processes Numerical modeling of contaminant transport, transformation, and degradation Detailed descriptions of fundamental processes, characterization approaches, and analytical and numerical methods tied to relevant real-world applications make Bioremediation and Natural Attenuation: Process Fundamentals and Mathematical Models both a timely course text in hydrogeology and environmental engineering and a valuable reference for anyone in the groundwater or risk assessment professions.  2005 г 609 стр ISBN 0471650439.

Environmental Laboratory Exercises for Instrumental Analysis and Environmental Chemistry артикул 9378b.
Environmental Laboratory Exercises for Instrumental Analysis and Environmental Chemistry артикул 9378b.

Book DescriptionA comprehensive set of real-world environmental laboratory experiments integrating air, soil, and water analysis into one laboratory manual The gold standard of any scientific experiment or procedure is repeatability Any peer should be able to produce similar results by working from the laboratory notes of the original investigator оджты The practice of environmental chemistry demands an even higher standard, that of "legal defensibility " Since any laboratory monitoring, no matter howroutine, can easily end up as evidence in a pollution case, lab notebooks must not only show proper, repeatable scientific procedures, but also must do so in a standardized format subject to legal scrutiny Environmental Laboratory Exercises for Instrumental Analysis and Environmental Chemistry is a stand-alone, complete summary of laboratory work for environmental chemistry students It presents a richly detailed set of classroom-tested experiments along with background information, safety and hazard notes, a list of chemicals and solutions needed, data collection sheets where necessary, and blank pages so students can compile results and summarize findings This useful resource also: Focuses on environmental, i e , "dirty" samples Stresses critical concepts like analysis techniques and documentation Includes water, air, and sediment experiments Includes an interactive software package for pollutant fate and transport modeling exercises Functions as a student portfolio of documentation abilities for job or graduate school applications Offers instructors actual samples of student work for troubleshooting, notes on each procedure, and procedures for solutions preparation In addition to its comprehensive presentation of laboratory and documentation exercises, this text emphasizes the essential skill of statistical analysis A widely applicable spreadsheet exercise greatly increases student understanding of data analysis techniques and correct instrument calibration Environmental Laboratory Exercises for Instrumental Analysis and Environmental Chemistry provides the best and most exhaustive laboratory manual for advanced undergraduates or graduates studying instrumental analysis, environmental chemistry, or advanced analytical techniques Download DescriptionIn the early days of environmental monitoring, chemists trained in the isolated walls of a laboratory before moving to the 'real world" of sediment, soil, and industrial waste samples Today chemists are a little better prepared, but many still lack experience in developing procedures for problematic samples This manual answers this need for applied training aimed at teaching upper level undergraduate and graduate chemistry students to analyze 'dirty" samples.  2004 г 416 стр ISBN 0471488569.

Environmental Modelling : Finding Simplicity in Complexity артикул 9380b.
Environmental Modelling : Finding Simplicity in Complexity артикул 9380b.

Book DescriptionSimulation models are increasingly used to investigate processes and solve practical problems in a wide variety of disciplines eg climatology, ecology, hydrology, geomorphology, engineering Environmental Modelling: A Practical Approachaddresses the development, testing and application of such models, which apply оджтэ across traditional boundaries, and demonstrate how interactions across these boundaries can be beneficial Provides a general overview of methods and approaches as well as focusing on key subject areas written by leading practitioners in the field Assesses the advantages and disadvantages of different models used and provides case studies supported with data, output, tutorial exercises and links to the model and/or model applications via the book's website Covers major developments in the field, eg the use of GIS and remote sensing techniques, and scaling issues As associated website contains colour images, as well as links to www resources Download Description"Simulation models are increasingly used to investigate processes and solve practical problems in a wide variety of disciplines eg climatology, ecology, hydrology, geomorphology, engineering Environmental Modelling: A Practical Approach addresses the development, testing and application of such models, which apply across traditional boundaries, and demonstrate how interactions across these boundaries can be beneficial Provides a general overview of methods and approaches as well as focusing on key subject areas written by leading practitioners in the field Assesses the advantages and disadvantages of different models used and provides case studies supported with data, output, tutorial exercises and links to the model and/or model applications via the book's website Covers major developments in the field, eg the use of GIS and remote sensing techniques, and scaling issues As associated website contains colour images, as well as links to www resources ".  2004 г 430 стр ISBN 0471496189.

Sviatoslav Richter L Beethoven - 6 variations, Op 34 6 variations, Op 76 15 variations and fugue, Op 35 `Eroica` R Schumann - etudes symphonigues, Op 13 артикул 9382b.
Sviatoslav Richter L Beethoven - 6 variations, Op 34 6 variations, Op 76 15 variations and fugue, Op 35 `Eroica` R Schumann - etudes symphonigues, Op 13 артикул 9382b.

Six Variations in F minor, Op 34 Theme: Adagio - Variation I - Variation II: Allegro ma non troppo - Variation III: Allegro - Variation IV: Tempo di menuetto - Variation V: Marcia Allegretto - Variation VI: Allegro - Adagio molto ; Six Variations in D major, Op 76 Theme: Allegro rosoluto - Variation I-V - Variation VI: Presto - Tempo I; Introduzione col оджум basso del tema Allegretto vivace - A due - A tre - quattro - Tema Sviatoslav Richter Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Six Variations in F minor, Op 34 Theme: Adagio - Variation I - Variation II: Allegro ma non troppo - Variation III: Allegro - Variation IV: Tempo di menuetto - Variation V: Marcia Allegretto - Variation VI: Allegro - Adagio molto Six Variations in D major, Op 76 Theme: Allegro rosoluto - Variation I-V - Variation VI: Presto - Tempo I Fifteen Variations and Fugue in E flat major, Op 35 (`Eroica`) Introduzione col basso del tema Allegretto vivace- A due - A tre - quattro - Tema Variation I Variation II Variation III Variation IV Variation V Variation VI Variation VII: Canone alla ottava Variation VIII Variation IX Variation X Variation XI Variation XII Variation XIII Variation XIV:Minore Variation XV: Vaggiore Largo Finale Alla fuga - Allegro con brio - Andante con moto Robert Schumann (1810-1856) Etudes symphoniques, Op 13 I Thema Andante II Etude I (Variation I) Un poco piu vivo III Etude II (Variation II) IV Etude III Vivace V Etude IV (Variation III) VI Etude V (Variation IV) Vivacissimo VII Variation I (Anhagn zu Op 13, aus dem Nachlasse) VIII Variation II (Anhagn zu Op 13, aus dem Nachlasse) IX Variation III (Anhagn zu Op 13, aus dem Nachlasse) X Variation IV (Anhagn zu Op 13, aus dem Nachlasse) XI Variation V (Anhagn zu Op 13, aus dem Nachlasse) XII Etude VI (Variation V) Agitato XIII Etude VII (Variation VI) Allegro molto XIV Etude VIII (Variation VII) Andante XV Etude IX Presto ossibile XVI Etude X (Variation VIII) Allegro XVII Etude XI (Variation IX) Andante con espressione XVIII Etude XII Finale Allegro brillante Sviatoslav Richter, piano Содержание 1 Six Variations in F minor, Op 34 Theme: Adagio - Variation I - Variation II: Allegro ma non troppo - Variation III: Allegro - Variation IV: Tempo di menuetto - Variation V: Marcia Allegretto - Variation VI: Allegro - Adagio molto 2 Six Variations in D major, Op 76 Theme: Allegro rosoluto - Variation I-V - Variation VI: Presto - Tempo I 3 Introduzione col basso del tema Allegretto vivace - A due - A tre - quattro - Tema 4 I Variation I 5 II Variation II 6 III Variation III 7 IV Variation IV 8 V Variation V 9 VI Variation VI 10 VII Variation VII: Canone alla ottava 11 VIII Variation VIII 12 IX Variation IX 13 X Variation X 14 XI Variation XI 15 XII Variation XII 16 XIII Variation XIII 17 XIV Variation XIV: Minore 18 XV Variation XV: Vaggiore Largo 19 XVI Finale Alla fuga - Allegro con brio - Andante con moto 20 I Thema Andante 21 II Etude I (Variation I) Un poco piu vivo 22 III Etude II (Variation II) 23 IV Etude III Vivace 24 V Etude IV (Variation III) 25 VI Etude V (Variation IV) Vivacissimo 26 VII Variation I (Anhagn zu Op 13, aus dem Nachlasse) 27 VIII Variation II (Anhagn zu Op 13, aus dem Nachlasse) 28 IX Variation III (Anhagn zu Op 13, aus dem Nachlasse) 29 X Variation IV (Anhagn zu Op 13, aus dem Nachlasse) 30 XI Variation V (Anhagn zu Op 13, aus dem Nachlasse) 31 XII Etude VI (Variation V) Agitato 32 XIII Etude VII (Variation VI) Allegro molto 33 XIV Etude VIII (Variation VII) Andante 34 XV Etude IX Presto possibile 35 XVI Etude X (Variation VIII) Allegro 36 XVII Etude XI (Variation IX) Andante con espressione 37 XVIII Etude XII Finale Allegro brillante Исполнитель Святослав Рихтер Sviatoslav Richter.  Формат: Audio CD Дистрибьютор: Olympia Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей Сборник.

Watersheds : Processes, Assessment and Management артикул 9384b.
Watersheds : Processes, Assessment and Management артикул 9384b.

Book DescriptionGet the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide to watershed analysis and management In Watersheds: Processes, Assessment, and Management, author Paul DeBarry covers aspects of watershed physical processes such as assessing, classifying, and evaluating a watershed; using GIS models for watershed assessment; and effectively оджур planning for future use and demands He covers precipitation, ecology, geology, soils, geomorphology, hydrogeology, hydrology, water quality, hydraulics, GIS, data collection, planning, and management And he takes you beyond theory so you learn to apply planning, management, GIS, and hydrologic engineering principles in real-world watershed management This concise reference manual is ideal whether you're a scientist, biologist, geologist, engineer, planner, administrator, part of a citizens group, or a practitioner seeking to identify what is important in the watershed being studied.  2004 г 720 стр ISBN 0471264237.

Extreme Sites : The 'Greening' of Brownfield (Architectural Design) артикул 9386b.
Extreme Sites : The 'Greening' of Brownfield (Architectural Design) артикул 9386b.

Book DescriptionTackling a hot green architectural topic – brownfield sites – this title asks the essential question: how should urban and post-industrial sites best be rehabilitated to balance ecological and human needs? This issueof AD is devoted to what planners refer to as ‘brownfields’ These are often sites made toxic through оджуъ a recipe of urbanism and industry, from our great water thoroughfares to our landfills They are often the only sites available to us for planning consideration The book examines the conflict between the demands of ecology and development when reclaiming such sites for re-development, bringing together multiple viewpoints from different disciplines Includes the internationally renowned Andy Goldsworthy, Glenn Murcutt and Renzo Piano It will recast the topic in a fresh and current light that will interest a wide audience from students to practitioners Aerial photographs, maps and photo essays will give the visuals a richness and breadth of appeal ‘Green’ is an architectural buzzword, and is viewed as the new parameter for good practice.  2004 г 128 стр ISBN 0470867094.

Groundwater Hydrology артикул 9388b.
Groundwater Hydrology артикул 9388b.

Book DescriptionA thorough, up-to-date guide to groundwater science and technology Our understanding of the occurrence and movement of water under the Earth's surface is constantly advancing, with new models, improved drilling equipment, new research,and refined techniques for managing this vital resource Responding to these tremendous оджфа changes, David Todd and new coauthor Larry Mays equip readers with a thorough and up-to-date grounding in the science and technology of groundwater hydrology Groundwater Hydrology, Third Edition offers a unified presentation of the field, treating fundamental principles, methods, and problems as a whole With this new edition, you'll be able to stay current with recent developments in groundwater hydrology, learn modern modeling methods, and apply what you've learned to realistic situations Highlights of the Third Edition New example problems and case studies, as well as problem sets at the end of each chapter A special focus on modern groundwater modelingmethods, including a new chapter on modeling (Chapter 9), which describes the U S Geological Survey MODFLOW model Over 300 new figures and photos Both SI and U S customary units in the example problems Expanded coverage of groundwater contamination by chemicals New references at the end of each chapter, which provide sources for research and graduate study Student and instructor resources for this text are available on the book's website at www wiley com/college/todd.  2004 г 656 стр ISBN 0471059374.

Sviatoslav Richter Brahms Piano Concerto No 2 / Piano Sonata No 1 артикул 9390b.
Sviatoslav Richter Brahms Piano Concerto No 2 / Piano Sonata No 1 артикул 9390b.

Автор музыки: Иоганнес (Йоханнес) Брамс На диске представлены произведения И Брамса в исполнении Святослава Рихтера Издание содержит буклет с дополнительной информацией оджфд на английском, немецком и французском языках Содержание 1 Piano Concerto No 2: Allegro Non Troppo 2 Piano Concerto No 2: Allegro Appassionato 3 Piano Concerto No 2: Andante 4 Piano Concerto No 2: Allegretto Grazioso 5 Piano Sonata No 1: Allegro 6 Piano Sonata No 1: Andante 7 Piano Sonata No 1: Scherzo: Allegro Molto E Con Fuoco 8 Piano Sonata No 1: Finale: Allegro Con Fuoco Исполнители Святослав Рихтер Sviatoslav Richter Chicago Symphony Orchestra Симфонический оркестр Чикаго Эрих Лайнсдорф Erich Leinsdorf.  Серия: Classic Library.

Alexander Scriabin Piano Sonata Sviatoslav Richter артикул 9392b.
Alexander Scriabin Piano Sonata Sviatoslav Richter артикул 9392b.

Scriabin: Piano Sonata No 5 in F sharp major Op 53; Debussy: Estampes; Debussy: Voiles Sviatoslav Richter - piano Содержание 1 Scriabin: Piano Sonata No 5 in F sharp major Op 53 (автор музыки: Александр Скрябин) 2 Debussy: Estampes (автор музыки: Клод Дебюсси) 3 Debussy: Voiles оджфи (автор музыки: Клод Дебюсси) 4 Debussy: Le Vent dans la plaine (автор музыки: Клод Дебюсси) 5 Debussy: Les Collines d`Anacapri (автор музыки: Клод Дебюсси) 6 Prokofiev: Visions fugitives Op 22 (автор музыки: Сергей Прокофьев) 7 Prokofiev: Piano Sonata No 8 in B flat major Op 84 (автор музыки: Сергей Прокофьев) Исполнитель Святослав Рихтер Sviatoslav Richter.  Формат: Audio CD Дистрибьютор: Deutsche Grammophon GmbH Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей Сборник.

In the Nature of Cities: Urban Political Ecology and the Politics of Urban Metabolism (Questioning Cities) артикул 9394b.
In the Nature of Cities: Urban Political Ecology and the Politics of Urban Metabolism (Questioning Cities) артикул 9394b.

Book Description The importance of the social and material production of urban nature has recently emerged as an area of importance with academic realms In the Nature of Cities provides an integrated and relational approach that helps to untangle the interconnected economic, political and social processes that go together to form urban landscapes оджфм This volume draws together prominent urban scholars to critically examine how economic, political, cultural processes affect urban environments Contributions incorporate both new theoretical discussions about the social production while also supporting ideas with empirical research from the US, UK, Europe, Central and South America The groundbreaking collection will continue to progress knowledgewithin the realm of human/environment relations, but explicitly with regard to urban areas.  2006 г 344 стр ISBN 0415368286.

Святослав Рихтер Чайковский / Рахманинов артикул 9396b.
Святослав Рихтер Чайковский / Рахманинов артикул 9396b.

Издание содержит небольшой буклет с дополнительной информацией на русском и английском языках Содержание 1 Concerto No 1 For Piano And Orchestra In B Flat Minor, Op 23: Allegro Non Troppo E Molto Maestoso - Allegro Con Spirito (автор оджфф музыки: Петр Чайковский) 2 Concerto No 1 For Piano And Orchestra In B Flat Minor, Op 23: Andantino Semplice (автор музыки: Петр Чайковский) 3 Concerto No 1 For Piano And Orchestra In B Flat Minor, Op 23: Allegro Con Fuoco (автор музыки: Петр Чайковский) 4 Concerto No 2 For Piano And Orchestra In C Minor, Op 18: Moderato (автор музыки: Сергей Рахманинов) 5 Concerto No 2 For Piano And Orchestra In C Minor, Op 18: Adagio Sostenuto (автор музыки: Сергей Рахманинов) 6 Concerto No 2 For Piano And Orchestra In C Minor, Op 18: Allegro Scherzando (автор музыки: Сергей Рахманинов) Исполнители (показать всех исполнителей) Академический симфонический оркестр Ленинградской государственной филармонии Государственный симфонический оркестр Ленинградской филармонии Святослав Рихтер Sviatoslav Richter Евгений Мравинский Yevgeny Mravinsky.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьютор: Мелодия Россия Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2005 г Сборник: Российское издание.

Svyatoslav Richter Tchaikovsky / Rachmaninov.
The International Climate Change Regime : A Guide to Rules, Institutions and Procedures артикул 9398b.
The International Climate Change Regime : A Guide to Rules, Institutions and Procedures артикул 9398b.

Book DescriptionAimed at the increasing number of policy-makers, stakeholders, researchers, and other professionals working on climate change, this volume presents a detailed description and analysis of the international regime established in 1992 to combat the threat of global climate change It provides a comprehensive accessible guide оджфщ to a high-profile area of international law and politics, covering not only the obligations and rights of countries, but ongoing climate negotiations as well.  2005 г 730 стр ISBN 0521600596.

Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Reproductive Strategies артикул 9400b.
Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Reproductive Strategies артикул 9400b.

Book DescriptionEvolutionary biologists have produced a solid body of evidence to explain patterns of diversification, both within and among species Recent textbooks are weighted towards studies of animals, which is surprising given that plants are ideally suited for answering evolutionary questions This book places the wealth of data that оджха have been collected on plants into the unifying framework of game theory It is the authors' hope that many students will take on this challenge and help the study of the evolutionary ecology of plants to develop as a mature, predictive science.  2005 г 342 стр ISBN 0521528941.

Cliff Ecology : Pattern and Process in Cliff Ecosystems (Cambridge Studies in Ecology) артикул 9402b.
Cliff Ecology : Pattern and Process in Cliff Ecosystems (Cambridge Studies in Ecology) артикул 9402b.

Book DescriptionCliffs are present in virtually every country on earth The lack of scientific interest in cliffs to date is in striking contrast to the commonness of cliffs around the world and to the attraction cliffs have had for humans throughout history Cliffs provide a unique habitat, rarely investigated from an ecological viewpoint This оджхд book aims to destroy the impression of cliffs as geological structures devoid of life, by reviewing information about the geology, geomorphology, microclimate, flora, and fauna of both sea and inland cliffs For the first time, evidence is presented to suggest that cliffs worldwide may represent an invaluable type of ecosystem, consisting of some of the least disturbed habitats on earth and contributing more to the biodiversity of a region than their surface coverage would indicate.  2005 г 358 стр ISBN 0521019214.

Population and Climate Change артикул 9404b.
Population and Climate Change артикул 9404b.

Book DescriptionPopulation and Climate Change provides the first systematic in-depth treatment of links between two major themes of the 21st century: population growth (and associated demographic trends such as aging) and climate change It is written bya multidisciplinary team of authors from the International Institute for Applied Systems оджхм Analysis who integrate both natural science and social science perspectives in a way that is comprehensible to members of both communities The book will be of primary interest to researchers in the fields of climate change, demography, and economics It will also be useful to policy-makers and NGOs dealing with issues of population dynamics and climate change, and to teachers and students in courses such as environmental studies, demography, climatology, economics, earth systems science, and international relations.  2005 г 284 стр ISBN 0521018021.

On The Great Plains: Agriculture And Environment (The Environmental History Series) артикул 9406b.
On The Great Plains: Agriculture And Environment (The Environmental History Series) артикул 9406b.

Book DescriptionDepending on who is telling it, the history of Euro-American farmers on the Great Plains has been a story of either agricultural triumph or ecological failurean optimistic tale of taming nature for human purposes or a dire account of disrupting nature and suffering the environmental consequences In On the Great Plains, author оджхш Geoff Cunfer poses an alternative scenario: that people were not the masters of nature on the Great Plains Land use in America's vast interior prairies has stayed remarkably stable throughout the twentieth century, changing little as droughts came and went, as farmers shifted from horses to tractors, and as federal subsidies and fluctuating crop prices transformed the economics of farming An equilibrium between natural and human forces emerged as farmers plowed and planted the same amount of cropland during most of this period, maintaining two-thirds of the Great Plains in unplowed, native vegetation To support his theory, Cunfer looks at the entireGreat Plains (450 counties in ten states), tapping historical agricultural census data paired with GIS mapping to illuminate land use on the Great Plains over 130 years Coupled with several community and family case studies, this database allows Cunfer to reassess the interaction between farmers and nature in the Great Plains agricultural landscape.  2005 г 304 стр ISBN 1585444014.

Study Guide to Accompany Our Global Environment: A Health Persepctive артикул 9408b.
Study Guide to Accompany Our Global Environment: A Health Persepctive артикул 9408b.

Book DescriptionThe perfect companion volume to Our Global Environment, 6/E (ISBN 1577664027), the Study Guide is designed with the student in mind! The exercises cover the major material in the text, allowing students to thoroughly review and more deeply understand the topics in each chapter The questions, ranging from true false to essay, оджхя function equally well whether used by instructors as take home assignments or by students while preparing for exams As with her text, Nadakavukaren touches on all of the major environmental issues facing the world today using a dual approach of describing the ecological impact of various human activities combined with specific issues of personal and community health Through use of both the text and Study Guide, readers will gain a sense of the interrelatedness of environment and health and how these issues affect their own lives They will be made aware of opportunities to participate in the decision making processes that will influence health and environmental quality in years to come.  2005 г 192 стр ISBN 1577664205.

Managing Environmental Policy: A Casebook артикул 9410b.
Managing Environmental Policy: A Casebook артикул 9410b.

Book DescriptionTwenty realistic cases on important and controversial environmental issues have been divided into five major areas of environmental studies: air quality, water pollution, natural resources conservation, solid and hazardous waste, and urban environmental problems All of the contributors have taught environmental courses оджцв and drew upon their considerable classroom experience and expertise in the field in producing cases that (1) promote critical thinking; (2) are student friendly; (3) approximate reality by creating a host of overlapping problems with no single or clear-cut solution; (4) are written in a highly readable, lively style; and (5) are designed to promote classroom discussion on and interest in environmental issues The book provides readers with a "case analysis" framework to use in addressing the problems, asks probing questions, and suggests educational role-playing exercises There is a list of helpful resources for further reading and research at the end of each chapter.  2004 г 171 стр ISBN 1575242338.

Mozart Requiem Leonard Bernstein артикул 9412b.
Mozart Requiem Leonard Bernstein артикул 9412b.

Автор музыки: Вольфганг Моцарт Все исполнители Издание содержит буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском, немецком и французском языках Содержание 1 Requiem In D Minor: I оджцд Introitus 2 Requiem In D Minor: II Kyrie 3 Requiem In D Minor: III Sequentia - 1 Dies Irae 4 Requiem In D Minor: III Sequentia - 2 Tuba Mirum 5 Requiem In D Minor: III Sequentia - 3 Rex Tremendae 6 Requiem In D Minor: III Sequentia - 4 Recordare 7 Requiem In D Minor: III Sequentia - 5 Confutatis 8 Requiem In D Minor: III Sequentia - 6 Lacrimosa 9 Requiem In D Minor: IV Offertorium - 1 Domine Jesu 10 Requiem In D Minor: IV Offertorium - 2 Hostias 11 Requiem In D Minor: V Sanctus 12 Requiem In D Minor: VI Benedictus 13 Requiem In D Minor: VII Agnus Dei 14 Requiem In D Minor: VIII Communio - Lux Aeterna Исполнители (показать всех исполнителей) Мари Маклафлин Marie Mclaughlin Мария Юинг Maria Ewing Джерри Хэдли Jerry Hadley.  Формат: Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьютор: Deutsche Grammophon GmbH Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2006 г Авторский сборник: Импортное издание.

Introduction to Mathematical Techniques used in GIS артикул 9414b.
Introduction to Mathematical Techniques used in GIS артикул 9414b.

Book DescriptionIntroduction to Mathematical Techniques Used in GIS explains to nonmathematicians the fundamentals that support the manipulation and display of geographic information It focuses on basic mathematical techniques, building upon a seriesof steps that enable a deeper understanding of the complex forms of manipulation that оджцз arise in the handling of spatially related data The book moves rapidly through a wide range of data transformations, outlining the techniques involved Many are precise, building logically on underlying assumptions Others are based upon statistical analysis and the pursuit of the optimum rather than the perfect and definite solution.  2004 г 224 стр ISBN 0415334144.

Leonard Bernstein Shostakovich The Great Symphonies Nos 1-5-6-7-9-14 (4 CD) артикул 9416b.
Leonard Bernstein Shostakovich The Great Symphonies Nos 1-5-6-7-9-14 (4 CD) артикул 9416b.

Автор музыки: Дмитрий Шостакович Уникальное издание, состоящее из четырех дисков и содержащее самые известные симфонии Дмитрия Шостаковича в исполнении оркестра по управлением оджцш знаменитого Леонарда Бернштейна Издание содержит буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском и французском языках Содержание CD1: Leonard Bernstein Shostakovich The Great Symphonies Nos 1-5-6-7-9-14 CD 1 1 Allegretto -Allegro Non Troppo (Symphony No 1 In F Minor, Op 10) 2 Allegro (Symphony No 1 In F Minor, Op 10) 3 Lento (Symphony No 1 In F Minor, Op 10) 4 Allegro Molto (Symphony No 1 In F Minor, Op 10) 5 Largo (Symphony No 6 In В Minor, Op 54) 6 Allegro (Symphony No 6 In В Minor, Op 54) 7 Presto (Symphony No 6 In В Minor, Op 54) CD2: Leonard Bernstein Shostakovich The Great Symphonies Nos 1-5-6-7-9-14 CD 2 1 Moderate (Symphony No 5 In D Minor, Op 47) 2 Allegretto (Symphony No 5 In D Minor, Op 47) 3 Largo (Symphony No 5 In D Minor, Op 47) 4 Allegro Non Troppo (Symphony No 5 In D Minor, Op 47) 5 Allegro (Symphony No 9 In E-Flat Major, Op 70) 6 Moderate (Symphony No 9 In E-Flat Major, Op 70) 7 Presto (Symphony No 9 In E-Flat Major, Op 70) 8 Largo (Symphony No 9 In E-Flat Major, Op 70) 9 Allegretto (Symphony No 9 In E-Flat Major, Op 70) CD3: Leonard Bernstein Shostakovich The Great Symphonies Nos 1-5-6-7-9-14 CD 3 1 Allegretto (Symphony No 7 In С Major, Op 60 "Leningrad") 2 Moderato (Poco Allegretto) (Symphony No 7 In С Major, Op 60 "Leningrad") 3 Adagio (Attacca :) (Symphony No 7 In С Major, Op 60 "Leningrad") 4 Allegro Non Troppo (Symphony No 7 In С Major, Op 60 "Leningrad") CD4: Leonard Bernstein Shostakovich The Great Symphonies Nos 1-5-6-7-9-14 CD 4 1 De Profundis (Adagio) (Symphony No 14, Op 135) 2 Malaguena (Allegretto Attacca :) (Symphony No 14, Op 135) 3 Loreley (Allegro Molto - Adagio - A Tempo Attacca :) (Symphony No 14, Op 135) 4 Le Suicide (Adagio) (Symphony No 14, Op 135) 5 Les Attentives I (Allegretto - Adagio - Allegretto Attacca :) (Symphony No 14, Op 135) 6 Les Attentives II (Adagio Attacca :) (Symphony No 14, Op 135) 7 Ala Sante (Adagio) (Symphony No 14, Op 135) 8 Reponse Des Cosaques Zaporogues Au Sultan De Constantinople (Allegro Attacca :) (Symphony No 14, Op 135) 9 O Delvig, Delvig ! (Andante) (Symphony No 14, Op 135) 10 La Mort Du Poete (Largo Attacca :) (Symphony No 14, Op 135) 11 Finale (Moderato) (Symphony No 14, Op 135) Исполнители New York Philharmonic Orchestra Нью-Йоркский филармонический оркестр Леонард Бернстайн Leonard Bernstein Леонард Бернстайн родился 25 августа 1918 года в Лоренсе (штат Массачусетс, США), в семье евреев-переселенцев из России С десяти лет он учился играть на фортепиано, пел в хоре, играл в оркестре, позже сам давал уроки музыки, организовал любительскую.  Формат: 4 Audio CD (Jewel Case) Дистрибьютор: SONY BMG Лицензионные товары Характеристики аудионосителей 2004 г Авторский сборник.

GIS in Public Health Practice артикул 9418b.
GIS in Public Health Practice артикул 9418b.

Book DescriptionA compilation of contributions from leading experts in the field, the primary focus of this book is on real practice in the use of GIS in public health GIS in Public Health Practice covers disease mapping and spatial analysis, then moves on to GIS applications in communicable disease control and environmental health protection, оджчб and applications in health care planning and policy It also explores other issues surrounding the use of GIS in public health, particularly data availability, data protection and e-governance Detailing the methods used in the different applications, this book is for practitioners, researchers and graduate students studying public health and epidemiology.  2004 г 304 стр ISBN 0415306558.

GIS: A Computing Perspective, 2nd Edition артикул 9420b.
GIS: A Computing Perspective, 2nd Edition артикул 9420b.

Book DescriptionGIS: A Computing Perspective, Second Edition, provides a full, up-to-date overview of the state-of-the-art in GIS, both Geographic Information Systems and the study of these systems-Geographic Information Science Analyzing the subjectfrom a computing perspective, the second edition explores conceptual and formal models оджчж needed to understand spatial information, and examines the representations and data structures needed to support adequate system performance This volume also covers the special-purpose interfaces and architectures required to interact with and share spatial information, and explains the importance of uncertainty and time in spatial information.  2004 г 448 стр ISBN 0415283752.

Thermal Remote Sensing in Land Surface Processing артикул 9422b.
Thermal Remote Sensing in Land Surface Processing артикул 9422b.

Book DescriptionAlthough remote sensing is recognized as a powerful tool, less attention has been given to the use of thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing TIR data is useful for understanding the fluxes and redistribution of materials as a key aspect of land surface processes and land-atmosphere interrelationships Thermal Remote Sensing оджчк in Land Surface Processes presents contributions that elucidate the utility of thermal infrared remote sensing data from researchers in a range of fields Students and researchers should find this an invaluable book, whether they are geographers, geologists, climatologists, hydrologists, landscape ecologists or other environmental scientists.  2004 г 408 стр ISBN 0415302242.

Rimsky-Korsakov Sheherazade Capriccio Espagnol Leonard Bernstein артикул 9424b.
Rimsky-Korsakov Sheherazade Capriccio Espagnol Leonard Bernstein артикул 9424b.

Автор музыки: Николай Римский-Корсаков Произведения Николая Римского-Корсакова в исполнении Нью-Йоркского филармонического оркестра под управлением дирижера Леонарда оджчх Бернстайна Издание содержит буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском, немецком и французском языках Содержание 1 The Sea And Sinbad's Ship (Sheherazade Symphonic Suite For Orchestra, Op 35) 2 The Kalendor Prince (Sheherazade Symphonic Suite For Orchestra, Op 35) 3 The Young Prince And The Young Princess (Sheherazade Symphonic Suite For Orchestra, Op 35) 4 Festival At Baghdad The Sea The Shipwreck Conclusion (Sheherazade Symphonic Suite For Orchestra, Op 35) 5 Alborada Viva E Strepitoso (Capriccio Espagnol, Op 34) 6 Variazioni Andante Con Moto (Capriccio Espagnol, Op 34) 7 Alborada Vivo E Strepiloso (Capriccio Espagnol, Op 34) 8 Scena E Canto Gitano Allegretto (Capriccio Espagnol, Op 34) 9 Fandango Asturiano (Capriccio Espagnol, Op 34) Исполнители Леонард Бернстайн Leonard Bernstein Леонард Бернстайн родился 25 августа 1918 года в Лоренсе (штат Массачусетс, США), в семье евреев-переселенцев из России С десяти лет он учился играть на фортепиано, пел в хоре, играл в оркестре, позже сам давал уроки музыки, организовал любительскую New York Philharmonic Orchestra Нью-Йоркский филармонический оркестр.  Серия: Bernstein Century.

Shostakovich Symphonies Nos 5 & 9 Leonard Bernstein артикул 9426b.
Shostakovich Symphonies Nos 5 & 9 Leonard Bernstein артикул 9426b.

Автор музыки: Дмитрий Шостакович На диске представлены одни из самых известных произведений Шостаковича: "Symphony No 5 In D Minor, Op 47" и "Symphony No 9 In E-Flat Major, Op 70" Издание содержит оджчщ буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском языке Содержание 1 Moderato (Symphony No 5 In D Minor, Op 47) 2 Allegretto (Symphony No 5 In D Minor, Op 47) 3 Largo (Symphony No 5 In D Minor, Op 47) 4 Allegro Non Troppo (Symphony No 5 In D Minor, Op 47) 5 Allegro (Symphony No 9 In E-Flat Major, Op 70) 6 Moderato (Symphony No 9 In E-Flat Major, Op 70) 7 Presto (Symphony No 9 In E-Flat Major, Op 70) 8 Largo (Symphony No 9 In E-Flat Major, Op 70) 9 Allegretto (Symphony No 9 In E-Flat Major, Op 70) Исполнители New York Philharmonic Orchestra Нью-Йоркский филармонический оркестр Леонард Бернстайн Leonard Bernstein Леонард Бернстайн родился 25 августа 1918 года в Лоренсе (штат Массачусетс, США), в семье евреев-переселенцев из России С десяти лет он учился играть на фортепиано, пел в хоре, играл в оркестре, позже сам давал уроки музыки, организовал любительскую.  Серия: Essential Classics.

Tchaikovsky Symphony No 4 Capriccio Italien Leonard Bernstein артикул 9428b.
Tchaikovsky Symphony No 4 Capriccio Italien Leonard Bernstein артикул 9428b.

Автор музыки: Петр Чайковский Произведения Чайковского в исполнении известного дирижера Леонарда Бернстайна Издание содержит буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском, оджчю немецком и французском языках Содержание 1 Andante Sostenuto; Moderate (Symphony No 4 In F Minor, Op 36) 2 Andantino In Modo Di Canzona (Symphony No 4 In F Minor, Op 36) 3 Scherzo, Pizzicato Ostinato (Symphony No 4 In F Minor, Op 36) 4 Finale: Allegro Con Fuoco (Symphony No 4 In F Minor, Op 36) 5 Capriccio Italien, Op 45 Исполнители Леонард Бернстайн Leonard Bernstein Леонард Бернстайн родился 25 августа 1918 года в Лоренсе (штат Массачусетс, США), в семье евреев-переселенцев из России С десяти лет он учился играть на фортепиано, пел в хоре, играл в оркестре, позже сам давал уроки музыки, организовал любительскую New York Philharmonic Orchestra Нью-Йоркский филармонический оркестр.  Серия: Bernstein Century.

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